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Community Engagement

Through Community Engagement activities, we are extending the Learning for Sustainability program out to build awareness about the importance of learning across the learning ecosystem.

We lead, support and participate in community-based initiatives and projects that align with our work and promote engagement in learning. 

Our Community Engagement work prioritises:

  • Initiatives and projects that provide a learning experience, for example planting mangroves and clean ups

  • Conducting surveys to understand and incorporate community values into the program

  • Community and stakeholder events and meetings, and facilitating networks


Learning Farm

The soil in Bintan is a reddish clay with high levels of bauxite deposits. It is not as easy to cultivate as the volcanic regions of Java, Bali and Lombok and presents its own unique challenges.

With less and less people growing their own food, communities can find themselves facing multidimensional risks; as a lack of food security can lead to a range of issues from economic, to social and environmental.


We hope to raise awareness about growing food, working with the land and organic produce with all of our partner communities. We aim to roll out Learning Farms at all of our Learning Centres for students and communities to reconnect with the land and its intricate systems.

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